1. ian guignet
    marzo 7, 2018 @ 13:33

    Amazing as always! Brilliant update Ju. Good to see you crushing it via dot watching. Congratulations!


  2. Mike Kelly
    marzo 7, 2018 @ 13:59

    again you are inspiring me to do a 5 day ride supporting the MS Society. (70 years)


    • David Otte
      marzo 7, 2018 @ 15:13

      70 years? I hope I make that. You are an inspiration as well.


  3. David Otte
    marzo 7, 2018 @ 15:10

    Beautiful writing, excellent endurance ! Thanks very much for the read and continuing inspiration!


  4. Kevin Longworth
    marzo 7, 2018 @ 15:20

    Such an inspiration to all of us who complain about minor things as if they were a hardship. No more whining, carry on! You are truly an inspiration.


  5. Corrine
    marzo 7, 2018 @ 16:03

    Great write up. Great race! Thanks for sharing. Funny how the competitive edge creeps in even when we think it won’t!


  6. Shayla Pfaffe
    marzo 7, 2018 @ 17:04

    Loved the writing and you are one incredible woman! Simply unbelieveable!


  7. Amy
    marzo 7, 2018 @ 17:20

    Brilliant. Riding. Writing. Passion.
    I so enjoy following your journeys, thanks for sharing


  8. Annalisa
    marzo 7, 2018 @ 19:12

    An inspiration as always!!!


  9. Michael Aranguren
    marzo 7, 2018 @ 21:10

    Yes you are the toughest woman in sports, keep it up Juliana incredible writing kept me on my toes the whole time wow amazing


  10. Simoni
    marzo 7, 2018 @ 23:00

    Campeona! The way you ride, the way you tackle the hard stuff, they way you set new goals. This is what riding is about at the core of it. I don’t know of any other riders like you. Settling into the pace, into the RYTHM, with the kilometers, the hours just passing by. Love that. And you got nothing to prove to anyone except yourself. Great writing as always. There’s a saying: when an old horse of the circus returns and smells the sawdust, it awakens the spirits of the past, the adrinaline rushes in the veins again at the entrance to the arena, ready for another stellar performance. 🙂 You still know how to do this when it counts. Like a true champion. Brilliant stuff.


  11. Mário Fonseca
    marzo 8, 2018 @ 10:20

    Thank you so much for sharing this.
    We can do such amazing things when we love what we’re doing.
    Any ultra is a mix of pleasure and – I don’t want to say “hate” or self-loathing – pain. We’re the ones harming ourselves and I can’t point out the reason why.
    Riding until all that’s left is a life-supporting auto pilot gets us to that place where nothing else matters, only surviving… or win a race, or our own race.
    If only that drive worked for everything in our lives…
    Thank you


  12. David Stihler
    marzo 9, 2018 @ 02:33

    Such an inspiration for me and everyone who knows you. These are not just words, I feel so enlightened and empowered reading about your journey and challenges. Keep communicating, keep riding!!!


  13. Bataille
    marzo 10, 2018 @ 15:57

    Always a big pleasure to read tour aventures ! You make my Day 😅


  14. Dave Ashenfelter
    marzo 13, 2018 @ 09:34

    You ROCK!!


  15. Bob Hansler
    marzo 15, 2018 @ 16:03

    This young lady is a true inspiration to us all (Yes, including us old folks). The best of love goes from Swansea to you and all those who love you.


  16. radioprima
    marzo 16, 2018 @ 19:49

    Thank you, Marette!


  17. Kieran
    marzo 23, 2018 @ 12:53

    Awesome, you are really the best great write up love hearing your perspective, sham on that rider for using the support vehicle!
